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Sexual Health

This means protecting yourself against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancy

Sexual health is all about making sure you are safe and happy and that you only do what you want to do, when you are ready for it.

If you have sex without a condom, the odds of catching a STI are quite high.

You can’t tell by looking at someone whether they’ve got an STI. These infections don’t always have any symptoms so you might not even know if you've caught something. You then run the risk of not getting treatment and of passing it on to others.

You only need to have unprotected sex once to get an sexually transmitted infection or pass one on. So if you’ve only had sex once, you could still be infected.

The more sexual partners you have, the more at risk you are. This is true whether you have more than one partner at the same time or at different times.

If you need to do take a test - see Sexual Health Self Test poster

Visit for more information and clinic times